Monday, May 6, 2013

I will exalt You, Lord,
because You have lifted me up,
and have not allowed my enemies to triumph over me.
Psalm 30:1

David seems almost giddy in his joy.  I imagine him breathless, eyes darting and heart pounding, nearly in shock it's really over.  There won't be one more battle hidden behind the distant cliff, one more sleepless night of starting at every sound, one more heavy weapon to lift against those he once defended.  "You have lifted me up," he declared, almost floating on the joy and relief of the gift of this day.  

Yet history tells us how fleeting this peace would be.  How long did he really have before reality set in?   There would be the infighting and struggles of establishing a new kingdom, of bringing a battle worn people back into unity, of proving his worth as the chosen of God. 

Didn't he know, in some small corner of his mind, how harsh this new battle would be?  Did it niggle at his joy?  Did he drift from celebration to strategy?  Or did he just revel on the joy of the moment, on his gratitude to God for the gifts of the day?  

I'm far to ready to worry about the future, to fear the inevitable next trial lurking in the mists of my mind, and to forget to bask in the joy of the battle just won.  

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