Wednesday, July 10, 2013

For His invisible attributes,
that is, 
His eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen since the creation of the world,
being understood through what He has made. 
Romans 1:20

There's so much beauty in the world we touch and hold; the spray of an ocean wave crashing at my feet; the tumbling rolling hills cascading through a valley; the tiny geometric precision of wildflowers clinging to a bluff.  

Beyond our reach, stars sweep the sky in seeming immutability until they implode into black holes or burst into glorious novas.  The heavens expand, galaxies hurtle through space, grasping into eternity.  To lay in the grass on warm summer night, to stare into the depths of the infinite field of stars, is to brush the train of God, to teeter on the brink of glimpsing all He is.  

It's a symphony in celebration of it's greatest master; with the heavens the irrepressible conductor.

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