Tear your hearts,
Not just your clothes,
And return to the Lord your God.
Joel 2:13
"In right, outright, upright, downright, happy all the time;"
I had nursery with my friends a few weeks ago.
An infant, a toddler, and twenty five three year olds ready to dismantle the church. Ok, maybe that's a slight exaggeration. There weren't really more than seven preschoolers I don't think, and there were three of us. The ratios still seemed significantly slanted to their side. As puzzles, clay, and stories devolved into chase each other around the table, in some desparation we began singing old Sunday School songs.
It was somewhat successful, I guess. At least they stopped running around the room throwing plush fish at each other, but to my surprise, they didn't really join in. They just dropped down on the rug on their bellies, propped their chins in their hands, and stared at us like they expected a stage production.
I'm not quite sure what you'd call what they got, but it did keep them entertained until their parents got back anyway.
In right
tear your hearts
Out right
not just your clothes.
It's so much easier to watch than participate,
but where's the joy in that?